We provide aviation training, but we do not guarantee 100% placement. If you are medically unfit due to factors such as eyesight, weight, height, color blindness, visible tattoos, or dental issues, and you still wish to pursue the course for knowledge acquisition, please note that we are not responsible. We only offer knowledge related to this industry and do not guarantee job placement.

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Are you ready to build your career?

Select Courses
  • Select Courses
  • Ground Staff Services
  • BBA in Aviation Management
  • Certificate Course in Aviation & Hospitality Management
About The Founder

Capt. Amardeep Chaudhary

Director | Tritya Group of Institutions

As the founder and director of Tritya Group. i am pleased to welcome you to Tritya Air Hostess Academy in Delhi.

Tritya Air Hostess Academy has started this journey in 2010 under Tritya Educational Trust with ultimate vision of spreading awareness among the students who are seeking their career in the Aviation field. Tritya Air Hostess Academy is known to provide career guidance, practical training ,high quality education, research-led teaching and modern facilities for undergraduate and postgraduate students singhania university since a decade.

You will also develop the skills and experience employers are looking for in addition to earning a high quality qualification.community connections will help you get ahead in your chosen career. The young generation is the backbone of your society so we are determined to develop their energy in positive direction through motivation, right approach, action & proper guidance.

Our endevours are to prepare you to acquire adequate knowledge and right event practice so that on completion of thecourse, they become the exemplary event manager with best code of ethics and professional conduct by fulfilling their personal social and professional obligations towards event mangement industry.