We provide aviation training, but we do not guarantee 100% placement. If you are medically unfit due to factors such as eyesight, weight, height, color blindness, visible tattoos, or dental issues, and you still wish to pursue the course for knowledge acquisition, please note that we are not responsible. We only offer knowledge related to this industry and do not guarantee job placement.

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  • Select Courses
  • Ground Staff Services
  • BBA in Aviation Management
  • Certificate Course in Aviation & Hospitality Management
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Frequently asked some

What is the benefit of learning about Hospitality, Retail and Travel when I want to join Airlines only?

Who should choose the Aviation, Hospitality, Retail and Travel & Tourism Management career?

As airlines recruits freshers too so what is the use of attaining the Aviation, Hospitality, Retail, Travel & Tourism Management diploma course?

Do you actually offer job placement after completion of course?

What are the basic requirements for air hostess / cabin crew?

Can I start my own travel company after completing this course?

Benefits of Aviation, Hospitality, Retail and Travel & Tourism Management career??

Studying and skill development is a constant thing in this career, especially if you’re angling for promotions. With the service industry being the fastest growing one, you can in only 10 years get your promotions with the remuneration being high even when you’ve just started.